"The Beautiful is a thing. In images, beauty is the agency that cause visual pleasure in the beholder, and, since pleasure is the true occasion for looking at anything, any theory of images that is not grounded in the pleasure of the beholder begs the question of art's efficacy and dooms itself to inconsequence!" (pg 2)
After reading the the article, i have came to look at art in a total different perspective. The quote above stuck out to me right away at the beginning when talking about beauty and out the the visual pleasure is in the beholder. I never really looked at beauty in this way, but after a while I realized that when I do call something beautiful, it is the truth that is is in the eyes of the beholder. Just like the picture that i have above, I typed in the view of the sky from underwater... When I saw the image, it was not something that someone had painted, but a picture that someone took and put it on the Internet. Some people might not look at this as beautiful, but in the eye of the beholder I do believe that this image is very beautiful. It takes a lot to make things beautiful, but the task is said that "beauty is to enfranchise the audience and acknowledge its power--- to designate a territory of shared value between the image and its beholder and then, in this territory, to advance an argument by valorizing the picture's problematic content." (pg 9) I really like this quote also because this is lays out what it takes to make things considered to be beautiful.
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